Reports: Citing the Data

Adding citations to support appropriate attribution by third-party users in order to formally incorporate data reuse

from ds_discovery import Transition
from aistac.handlers.abstract_handlers import ConnectorContract

Dataset Citation

As part of the set-up process and as best practice, the component is cited through added knowledge from the component’s creator or SME feedback. In addition the data location of the source and persist is also captured.

This is extended with the Project Hadron transition component, considered the data entry point reporting tool, which includes a special method call to add provenance. Provenance sites a number of origin indicators that guide the user to the data’s provenance, its restrictions such as cost and license, its provider and the data’s author.

Additional knowledge can be added beyond the set provenance (see other sections).

tr = Transition.from_env('demo_citation', has_contract=False)

Adding Citation

As part of the set-up process, or at anytime during the component development cycle, information can be gathered and added to the component as part of its information store.

It is worth noting, method calls allow partial completion with additional information added at a later date as knowledge is gained or changed.

tr.set_description("Every arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD from 2006 to the end of the previous calendar year")
tr.setup_bootstrap(domain='Public Safty',
                   description="Validate datasets quality, quantity, verasity and completeness",
tr.set_provenance(title='NYPD Historic Arrest Data',
                  domain='Public Safety',
                  license_type='Public Consumption',
                  description="List of every arrest in NYC going back to 2006 through the end of the previous calendar year.",
                  provider_name='Police Department (NYPD)',
                  provider_note="This data is manually extracted every quarter and reviewed by the Office of Management Analysis and Planning before being posted on the NYPD website.",


Once information is added it can easily be accessed, either visually through reporting or remotely through predefined connector contracts. In our case we are visually displaying the reports for the purpose of demonstration but would normally be connected to a reporting tool for information capture.

Component Reporting

Our initial report shows information capture about our component.


Connectivity Reporting

As part of all components one can also interrogate where data is coming from and going to, which connector contracts have been set up and what they look like. In this case we only require our primary source and persist connectors from which we can identify the data’s location and how we retrieved it.


Provenance Reporting

Finally and specifically to the transitioning component, we citate the provider of our data and that citation can be added to as knowledge is gained.

This information not only shows us the domain and description of the provider but also the providers details, the datas author and restrictions on that data through license and costs. This information can easily be passed to a separate component that could for example monitor cost/spend on data throughput or collate common provider sourcing for data reuse.
