Getting Started

The discovery-transition-ds package is a set of python components that are focussed on Data Science. They are a concrete implementation of the Project Hadron abstract core. It is build to be very light weight in terms of package dependencies requiring nothing beyond what would be found in an basic Data Science environment. Its designed to be used easily within multiple python based interfaces such as Jupyter, IDE or terminal python.

Package Installation

The best way to install the component packages is directly from the Python Package Index repository using pip.

The component package is discovery-transition-ds and pip installed with:

python -m pip install discovery-transition-ds

if you want to upgrade your current version then using pip install upgrade with:

python -m pip install -U discovery-transition-ds

This will also install or update dependent third party packages. The dependencies are limited to python and related Data Science tooling such as pandas, numpy, scipy, scikit-learn and visual packages matplotlib and seaborn, and thus have a limited footprint and non-disruptive in a machine learning environment.

Get the Source Code

discovery-transition-ds is actively developed on GitHub, where the code is always available.

You can clone the public repository with:

$ git clone

Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your own Python package, or install it into your site-packages easily running:

$ cd discovery-transition-ds
$ python -m pip install .

Release Process and Rules

Versions to be released after 3.5.27, the following rules will govern and describe how the discovery-transition-ds produces a new release.

To find the current version of discovery-transition-ds, from your terminal run:

$ python -c "import ds_discovery; print(ds_discovery.__version__)"

Major Releases

A major release will include breaking changes. When it is versioned, it will be versioned as vX.0.0. For example, if the previous release was v10.2.7 the next version will be v11.0.0.

Breaking changes are changes that break backwards compatibility with prior versions. If the project were to change an existing methods signature or alter a class or method name, that would only happen in a Major release. The majority of changes to the dependant core abstraction will result in a major release. Major releases may also include miscellaneous bug fixes that have significant implications.

Project Hadron is committed to providing a good user experience and as such, committed to preserving backwards compatibility as much as possible. Major releases will be infrequent and will need strong justifications before they are considered.

Minor Releases

A minor release will include additional methods, classes, or noticeable modifications to code in a backward-compatable manner which may include miscellaneous bug fixes. If the previous version released was v10.2.7 a minor release would be versioned as v10.3.0.

Minor releases will be backwards compatible with releases that have the same major version number. In other words, all versions that would start with v10. should be compatible with each other.

Patch Releases

A patch release include small and encapsulated code changes that do not directly effect a major or minor release, for example changing round(... to np.around(..., and patch bug fixes that can’t wait to be released before a major or minor release. If the previous version released v10.2.7 the patch release would be versioned as v10.2.8.