Running in Docker

Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-contained environments that encapsulate all the necessary dependencies and configurations needed to run an application.

Docker provides a way to package an application with its dependencies into a container, which can then be run on any machine with the Docker runtime installed. This allows developers to create consistent environments for their applications across different systems, which can simplify the process of deploying and scaling applications.

Project Hadron is designed using Microservices. These components services are represented as a Domain Contract Ensemble, the metadata files of a Project Hadron component build, and can be run as Docker Containers.

To us Project Hadron to run a Docker container we need to set the run parameters, primarily the location of the Domain Contract Ensemble, then build and run.

Setting up

Ensure Docker is installed and if not Docker will help you get started

As part of Project Hadron is a reusable Docker container that can be used with any Domain Contract Ensemble. The Docker executor code bundle can be obtained from the Project Hadron repo

into a folder called executor.

Docker run parameters

The Domain Contract Ensemble location is identified through the environment variable HADRON_PM_REPO where <domain_contract_ensemble_repo> is the location of the contract metadata files:

-e HADRON_PM_REPO=<domain_contract_ensemble_repo>

in this example we assume the Domain Contract Ensemple is locally persisting the data, though the component can directly use a remote repository such as S3, blob storage or some form of Database. Working with Dockers instructions, we need to specify where the data will go in the Docker container so we can later map the outcome. At this point you can add any other Hadron environment variable specific for the component.

-e HADRON_DEFAULT_PATH=/root/hadron/data

now we know where the data will be put in our Docker container we can map the volumes to ‘<your_local_path>’ in order to view the resulting outcomes.

-v <your_local_path>:/root/hadron/data

Docker Build and Run

To build the container ensure you are in the root executor directory and run

docker build -t hadron/domain_executor:latest ./executor

Once complete, to run the domain contract ensemble, execute the docker run command with the Docker parameters above the hadron/domain_executor container. (remember to change <domain_contract_ensemble_repo> to the location of the domain contract ensemble and <your_local_path> for your local path)

docker run --rm -it
   -e HADRON_DEFAULT_PATH=/root/hadron/data
   -e HADRON_PM_REPO=<domain_contract_ensemble_repo>
   -v <your_local_path>:/root/hadron/data

Docker Compose

We can use the command line interface (CLI) to create and manage Docker containers. However, the CLI can be tedious when dealing with multiple containers and configurations.

Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you can use a YAML file to configure your application’s services, networks, and volumes, and then use a single command to create and start all the containers that make up your application.

We run the Docker compose yaml file that can be found in the executor directory by running the command:

docker-compose up

Next Steps

Try different Domain Contract Ensemble components with additional environment variables and use the Docker documentation to learn about Hadron containers with remote or differing data locations

Project Hadron has been built as a component model to fit seamlessly into an orchestration engine such as Kubernetes